1. Prerequisites & Installing CoScreen
- Which Single Sign On (SSO) options does CoScreen support?
- How to discover and enable app integrations with CoScreens
- Why do I need to grant screen recording & accessibility permissions when setting up CoScreen?
- Does CoScreen support Linux in addition to macOS and Windows?
- Why is the CoScreen UI so small on my Windows 10 computer?
- How can I configure our corporate firewall/SSL inspection to enable CoScreen to connect?
2. While in a CoScreen session
- Are CoScreen users able to control applications shared from virtual machines?
- Understand how shared windows are scaled between different screen sizes
- The sidepanel UI is stuck in a greyed out state and a connection is never established
- How can I optimize the app performance to have a better CoScreen experience?
- How can I optimize my network quality to have a better CoScreen experience?
- How can I share my screen / how can I share a window with CoScreen?